
Üsküdar University

2023-2024 Academic Year 11th Graduation Ceremony


10 July 2023, Wednesday

Ülker Sports and Event Hall

09.00-10.30       Students and Parents Entrance – Being Seated in the Tribunes

                          Students East Entrance/ Parents West Entrance

10.30-10.40      Opening Ceremony

                         One Minute’s Silence, Turkish National Anthem and Graduation Film

10.40-11.10      Opening Speeches

                         Prof. Nazife GÜNGÖR – Üsküdar University Rector

                         Prof. Nevzat TARHAN – President of Üsküdar University

11.10-11.50      Presentation of Plaques to those ranked on the first three places and speeches by the students ranked                             on the first place

                         Speech by International Student Representative

                         Award Presentations

11.50-16.00     Presentation of All Graduation Certificates

                        Presentation of Graduation Certificate to Graduate Students

                        Presentation of Graduation Certificate to Undergraduate Students

                        Presentation of Graduation Certificate to Associate Degree Students

16.00-16.10     Pennant Ceremony

16.10-16.20     Reciting the Graduation Oath

16:20-17.00     Throwing Caps, DJ Performance and Closing

*** Professional oath ceremonies will be held in the designated area after the presentation of symbolic diplomas to the graduates of the relevant department.